Feng-Shui & BioGeometry® Designs We’ve Done
Before: Main entry of home entering into a dining room, with a door opposite the entry, allowing the Ch’i to escape quickly. It feels awkward and doesn’t feel very inviting and may feel intrusive if having dinner when a guest arrives.
After: Now the home has been transformed by welcoming furnishings, and inviting several opportunities to rest and linger and enjoy the view, while entering the rest of the home. Separation of the dividing wall has been removed, and the door opposite the main entry was removed and filled in to keep the energy from escaping immediately.
Furniture by Pottery Barn
After of the same entry room: The door was removed and a lovely wall for special art and memories, and a piano fills the wall and the room with additional warmth and leads the energy into the main areas of the home.
We remodeled this home to create beneficial Feng Shui.
We removed windows opposite the entry door and opened the space up with arched openings and kept the amazing view while containing beneficial energy. From the entrance, you are welcomed into the space, and still can enjoy the view.
Radius Corners allows the energy to flow
During construction of this extra large bedroom, we curved each corner and added radius curves to increase the flow of energy throughout the room to allow for easy sleep, and measured the energy of the area of the bed to make certain the resident was not sleeping on detrimental earth energy grid lines. We added columns to amplify the energy of power spots for well being. This room had lots of light and a beautiful view of the mountains.
The curved radius walls eliminated the “poison arrows” of sharp angles in the en-suite bath.
It was work-intensive but worth the effect. The colors of the tile in the bathroom is the deep blue of the knowledge sector of the home. With the curved wall the energy flows around the ensuite bathroom instead of “pointing” poison arrows at the bed.

Not all projects are big!
BEFORE: This is a remote consultation- the client sent this photo, taken from her entry, showing the two large chairs blocking the Ch’i and making it difficult to enter the space. This is all her furniture.
AFTER: Replacing the oversized chairs to allow for the Ch’i to enter and for guests to be welcomed, instead of feeling ”pushed” out upon entering. The large sectional sofa in the power position furthest from the door is now visible and easier to see.
This is a clients home that required new furniture and accessories. We measured the energy of the rug from the vendor to insure “the energetic component of gold” and once set, added furniture to reflect their East Indian heritage and spiritual affinity. The beautiful hand-beaded wall hanging was the focal point that directed the Ch’i and visitors to enter the living room and be welcomed by the position of the designer sofa and modern chairs.
Before: Here is an example of an unattractive home with no curb appeal.
After: The client wanted a “story book” feel and for the times, the 80’s, we added curb appeal by including window boxes for live plants, and a sun porch with curved flowing shapes to welcome the Ch’i.
Hello! Does anyone know I’m here?
Before: Upon entering this home, one doesn’t feel welcomed. Imagine people sitting on the sofa, pushed against the wall, facing the TV, not the entry. They wouldn’t even notice if someone entered, and the Ch’i would not feel welcomed.
After: This is the result of using the client’s existing furniture in the living room, and “welcoming” the Ch’i and guests to sit and relax. This photo is taken from the entry door and shows the effect of moving the sofa and chaise to a power position, adding beautiful large fig leaf plants and ceramic planters and changing the angles of the large pieces to create an eight-sided “bagua” to honor and emphasize the areas of knowledge, in the bookcase and spiritual knowledge in the special painting of the Master, the rectangular and tan colored rug for health, a large healthy plant and a small fountain for wealth, and the fireplace for fame and reputation. The “love” letters reflect the energetic feeling of space when entering.
The client, a masseuse working from home. The colors and furnishings were scattered throughout the apartment including her important equipment, some of which was in the living room.
AFTER: We exchanged the furniture that was inappropriate to peaceful living and organized her therapy room for clients with the appropriate charts and elements, and removed earth energy grid lines with BioGeometry® tools. We welcomed the Ch’i energy while the using calm colors, elements, shapes and music for that sector of her home.
An entry area showing the effect of making a lovely entry- We purchased the black framed mirror, representing the water in the career area, the wrought-iron narrow entry table with small irregularly shaped dishes to place keys when entering, and a bamboo plant bring luck to the home. The auspicious exterior red door reflected in the mirror brings valuable Ch’i into the home and the Persian runners add elegance and comfort.
Here is an example of a clients open stair case with “floating” steps and no risers. The ch’i would escape and not allow the energy to go up or down, with the valuable energy escaping between each step. The solution was to “fill in” the steps with risers that held in the Ch’i to allow it to reach the second level.
An example of a home with two separate “Baguas” that enable the client to fill in remedies to both sides of the home.